‘to enter your rose garden, your soul first needs to make peace with the thorns”-Rumi
One of the most persistent questions I have been asked is “how did yoga help with the loss of my child?”. Loss of a loved one is one of the most heartbreaking tragedies we will ever endure and yet, every one of us will have to at some point. Happiness and grief go hand in hand and will alternately crisscross our lives. We do not have to feel abandoned in moments of grief. On an average day, our minds are a whirling tornado of thoughts worries and dreams. How many of us sit in silence when eating a meal, acknowledging every bite without our minds drifting off? Multitasking is ingrained into our DNA. Moments of peaceful solitude are treated as a luxury for most. When we sit in silence or allow the mind to be still, we allow space for our dreams,fears and suppressed memories to surface. We start to tune into ourselves. Our fears are our demons, our unfinished dreams cause pain. We need to face these. When we do, the fear melts, we hold up a mirror to ourselves. We begin a conversation with our truest and highest self and then allow the aspiring dreams to take fruition. It is an experience thats serves us, because when we embrace our fears and dreams as equally serving friends, we grow immensely. To do this, we must learn to be still. Yoga and meditation are powerful philosophies that help us recenter, to enable our highest self to guide us and connect with the divine. Our body and mind feel healed and at peace. Every problem by its definition will have a solution. In these moments we can find the solutions. Above all there is a shift. A shift within ourselves which makes our understanding of the world clearer and more aligned with the truth. When we do this we have the capacity and the courage to accept and honourably deal with the lessons that are placed in our path. I could continue to elaborate further, but you must try it first to understand — as they say, to understand the depths of love, you must first experience it. We all have a rose garden within us. Have you done yoga or meditation? Did you feel the stillness? Did you feel calm? I would be delighted to hear your thoughts. Comments are closed.
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